Sunday, August 28, 2011

"Perceptions" or "A Different Take on Things"

Pick whatever title you want, I'm good with both.

In this episode, Cam discusses how he sees things in this world and other ways of his that seem to be unique.  Keep in mind though, he doesn't really know how other people work, so he may just be talking about something that everyone knows all the time.  More after the break!
So you may be wondering to yourself, "What is this guy yammering on about?" and/or "I wonder where he's going with this..."

Either option is acceptable.  And neither are really of any importance.  So I'm just gonna ignore whatever's going on in your head and get to the point.  This is how I see the world.  And it may prove a difficult concept to translate from a visual perspective to a literary one.  But gosh-dangit, I'm gonna try.

Section 1.2: Perceptions

There seem to be different lenses that one can use to look at the world through, and I'm gonna try and explain some of mine, so here are some relatively vague descriptions in a list-like format:

  • Artistic
  • Scientific
  • Adventurous
  • Food! (exclamation point required)
  • Problem Solving
That sums up the primary viewpoints I take, now for the breakdown!

Imagine, if you will, a world where you don't see people as people.  "Crazy" some say, "Ludicrous" others might.  Well when I'm getting all artistic in Life's grill, that's pretty much what I do.  Not in the sense that people are insignificant or irrelevant, but more in the sense that I'm trying to capture the lines and contours in my mind's eye.  Learning the shape and form of humanity in an effort to later re-create it in two dimensions.  It's not a simple task by any means, but it's definitely something that intrigues me to no end.  As such, I don't see people for who they are, I just try to capture the essence of the image that represents them.  A futile effort if I were talking to blind people, but being that you can read this, I'm fairly certain that you're not blind.  Though if you are, then *insert obscure/old-timey exclamatory remark (I couldn't find one that really fits, feel free to leave suggestions!)*, I'm sure impressed.

This happens with everyone, no matter who they are or how well I know them.  Once I'm looking through my artistic lens all I see are the lines, shapes and contours that make up the image that represents you.  I've done it with my family, I do it all the time with the random people of TV, occasionally even the people I'm talking to, though less likely if I'm talking at that moment in time.  So if you see me staring fairly intently at something like, I dunno, your ear then try not to be alarmed.  I'm just teaching myself how to translate it from 3 dimensions to 2....thinking of which...If we had three eyes would we see in four dimensions?  With one eye you get 2 dimensions, with two eyes you get 3 dimensions, so with three eyes we would logically get a fourth dimension, non?  *shakes head* Anyway, that go off topic.  Onto the next one!

This is the analytical state, where I'm trying to figure out how things work and why they do what they're doing.  Some people see me doing this and just go "simple things amuse simple minds," (which actually happened recently.  I was spinning a rolling pin and noticing how well it was spinning, thinking about all the physics that go into it with the rotational velocity, friction, inertia etc., when a co-worker sees it and says just that, "simple things amuse simple minds."), but it's much more than that.  It's the way it's moving, how it's doing it, what's causing it to do whatever it's doing and those type of things that I'm going over when staring at supposedly "simple" things.  Nothing is ever as simple as people tend to make them out to be.  Our world is very complex, and I enjoy all that makes it work the way it does, it's quite a marvel if you think about it long enough.  

Pretty simple, basically just looking for new pathways, finding new things to do, branching out from the ordinary/routine and looking for new ways to get things done or new routes to take.  It's not complicated, but definitely one of the fun ways to peer through the looking glass of life.

This happens when I'm hungry, or watching the food network.  It's got two slightly different incarnations, the first of which is just finding something to get in mah belleh, the other being creating new and interesting new food options.  It's being creative with food, looking at what I've got around me and finding new ways to mix them to produce a delicious new substance to savour and ingest.  Thinking about it, finding flavours that meld together nicely, and execution are all a part of it, and it's one of the things I enjoy doing the most.  I love creating and experiencing new flavour sensations, though the few failures that I've concocted have been abysmally bad and/or rancid.  I loves me some food.

Problem Solving
Finding solutions to problems is one of those things that I do quite well.  So when a problem arises, I switch to the Problem Solving lens.  Looking for solutions, trying to figure out how to fix whatever's gone awry, using tools in ways that they may not have been meant to be used for.  Creative solutions for everyday problems, I do that.  I'm good at it.  If people have something they need resolved, I'm often a good candidate for helping resolve it.  Figuring out exactly what the problem is through careful analysis, occasionally disassembly, and proceeding to find something to fix that problem, that's what the Problem Solving lens is all about.

Pretty much everything I've stated here boils down to this: I'm very analytical.  All the main ways I look at the world involve analyzing something, though often for different purposes and in different ways.  Regardless of why or how I'm doing it, I'm analyzing just about everything I encounter.  

Alright, that about wraps it up.  Time to leave you with one of my favorite quotes from the Lord of the Rings.  Such a good quote...I love Samwise Gamgee.  Just ignore the subtitles, and it's a little on the quiet side.

Cheers Folks, I'll be around.

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