Section 1.1, Love Languages:
If you don't already know what Love Languages are, then let me fill you in. Simply put, they're the ways that you show people that you care about them. There's probably something slightly more complex to it than that, but that's all you really need to know for what I'm talking about.
There are a total of 5 primary love languages.
- Physical Touch
- Gifts
- Words of Affirmation
- Quality Time
- Acts of Service.
Generally speaking, most people have 2 that are considered primary and the rest can vary anywhere from "Doesn't influence me" to "May as well be another primary."
With that in mind, here's the breakdown of how mine rank:
Physical Touch > Acts of Service > Words of Affirmation >>>>>>....> Quality Time > Gifts.
"What does this mean?" you ask. Well this is what it means, breaking it into individual pieces with a summary to follow.
Physical Touch #1 means:
If I don't know you, please please please don't touch me. I'll make sure not to touch you if you keep your hands the hell away from me. As such, I do not respond to random massages well. Especially from anyone, let alone my family. That's not to say that I'm not really good at it though, I can work out knots that people don't realize they have and then they just suddenly feel a helluva lot better. Supposedly I've got magic fingers. Or something like that. On a similar note: If I know you well enough, and you're okay with it, I may very easily and readily hug you. Bro-hugs are pretty awesome, though somewhat infrequent on my end. (side note: Johnny Wander is a good read if you're into that sort of thing).
If I don't know you, please please please don't touch me. I'll make sure not to touch you if you keep your hands the hell away from me. As such, I do not respond to random massages well. Especially from anyone, let alone my family. That's not to say that I'm not really good at it though, I can work out knots that people don't realize they have and then they just suddenly feel a helluva lot better. Supposedly I've got magic fingers. Or something like that. On a similar note: If I know you well enough, and you're okay with it, I may very easily and readily hug you. Bro-hugs are pretty awesome, though somewhat infrequent on my end. (side note: Johnny Wander is a good read if you're into that sort of thing).
Acts of Service #2 means:
I like helping people. More-so if I know and like you. I like being able to provide assistance in many different facets, one of which is giving information when requested or when people look like they're struggling with a concept that I know how to explain to them. And just straight up menial tasks, if a friend asks me to do something for them then I'll probably do it with little-to-no hesitation. Pretty much at the drop of a hat. I'll go the extra mile to make sure it's done better than expected too. The flip-side of it is that if you do something that I request then I'll be grateful beyond the comprehension most people. It means a lot to me, especially since I don't like inconveniencing people, making them go out of their way to do something for me but am apparently okay with being inconvenienced myself. I think that sums it up. Yeah, sure, why not?
Words of Affirmation #3:
Giving words of encouragement and appreciation is something that I've learned over the years, it wasn't something that really came naturally to me as I'm a cold, logical being. But I've come a long way with it and can now dish it with the best of 'em. I think there's a few people I know who'd agree with that. Added bonus of apparently being awesome at timing things without meaning to and you've got a guy who can just show up out of the blue and help you through some tough situations. Plus I apparently know how to analyze situations and give advice for getting through them. Flip-side! Getting feedback from said encouragement gives me the warm-fuzzies, puts a smile on my face and generally makes my day better. So they're appreciated on my end.
Note on opposite effects: People who have WoA as their primary or secondary LL take bad things people say far to seriously and can be easily devastated by a poorly worded comment or something mean-spirited. Fortunately, that doesn't happen to me since I just don't care what other people think if it's something negative. Positive stuff is nice though.
Note on opposite effects: People who have WoA as their primary or secondary LL take bad things people say far to seriously and can be easily devastated by a poorly worded comment or something mean-spirited. Fortunately, that doesn't happen to me since I just don't care what other people think if it's something negative. Positive stuff is nice though.
Quality Time #4 means:
I don't have to spend time with people in order for me to think that they care about me. Just not a big deal to me. That's probably detrimental for friends of mine who have it as their primary, but I don't think it's that big of an issue for them either, they know I care.
Gifts #5 means:
Honestly don't care about getting stuff for my birthday or christmas or whatever. They're not a big deal to me. Which also means I tend to forget to get people stuff for birthdays and the "family holidays" (father's and mother's days). Fortunately I understand the sentiment behind people's gifts when they're given to me so I'm not a cold-hearted jerk in that regards. Just don't expect anything from me. It's probably not gonna happen.
Don't touch me if I don't know you, but I'm willing to help you with whatever and yell encouraging slogans while we're doing it, just don't expect me to give you anything or hang out for very long afterwards. And if you do know me, be wary of hugs (though less of an issue with the female companions of mine, I think I'm slightly afraid I'd break them...I'm an intense hugger...previously referred to as a "Thunder Hugger").
Alright! Good work me! *high-fives self* S'been a while since I blog posted! Time to Facebook link my blog and see if that encourages me to do it more frequently! Also to confuse people on my facebook 'cause they don't know that my gaming handle is Vantox or Tox for short.
Cheers folks,
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