Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Promises, Promises

I'm not a person who makes promises lightly. If I promise something to a person, I intend to keep that promise regardless of what has happened in the past or what may have just happened two seconds ago. I'm giving my word to someone, and if I'm not as good as my word then who will trust me with anything?

That being said, I made a promise to a friend years ago when things were looking rough and she needed support. I promised I'd stick around and help her no matter what happened. Then a decision was reached between her and another friend, without informing anyone else in the group, and it basically tore the group into two. Now, I don't know the exact details, and I'm more or less a neutral party in this, but I'll hold to my promise. I just think they went about it all wrong. There were other options that they didn't really take into account, and they didn't consult anyone else, they just basically said "that's that" and suddenly there's a rift between what used to be a very tight-knit group of people.

Now I don't intend on taking this lying down, and I'll do whatever's in my power to see that things are made right, but as it stands there's not a whole lot I can do. And that's what frustrates me the most. It's the lack of control or even the fact that they didn't ask for help in figuring this out. Heck, they haven't even really given me their points of view as to why they made that decision, it's all been incredibly vague. If they could explain it to me I might be able to make more sense out of it. Granted, I haven't really asked much about it, and pretty much all of this happened last night, so it may be some time before I get a clear perspective on all this.

*sigh* Well, for now I'll just have to grin and bear it.

And as for other promises made, well, if a time comes when I'm called upon for that which I promised ages ago, I'll hold myself accountable and see them through to the best of my ability. Intellect and Logic are wasted gifts without Honor and Loyalty.

Random Note: My cat's adorable, in a very ninja-y way. She's very good at going unnoticed by most people, and only is seen when she wants to be seen. And she brought me a present last night in the form of a dead sparrow. Cute cat, real cute.


1 comment:

  1. *blinks*

    Totally lost on the problem, so I apologize for not having anything helpful to say.

    But I would like to see kitty peektures if you have any. :)

    This is what popped into my head when I read the kitty part.
