Monday, November 29, 2010


They deter from my doing of anything useful, especially when they claim to be deprived of attention and just don't get out of your face ever, more especially when you're trying to do homework that's due yesterday and the prof was nice enough to give you some extra time on it due to sickness. Gah, ninja cat, stop this.

Friday, November 5, 2010

So it seems that I'm Intelligent

Or at least that's what everyone else likes to tell me. I mean, I get good marks in my classes and can help people to understand things they don't quite have a grasp on, and for the most part I understand what my profs are trying to get across in their classes.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Things that Irk Me.

Any time you hear a radio newscaster, or anyone for that matter, say some % chance of rain when it is most definitely raining outside. 40% chance? Dude, look outside! Raining! 100% chance!

The phrase "First Annual." How can it be considered annual if this is the first one? Isn't the definition of annual essentially that which occurs every year? You can't have a 'first annual.' You can have a first ever, but there is no conceivable way to have a first annual, with the exception of later recalling an event and realizing that it was indeed a first annual thing.....*eyetwitch*

Disorganized Calculations. If you're gonna try and figure something out mathematically, keep it at least somewhat neat. Either go left to right or top to bottom or both. None of this all around the page crap. Who does that? Seriously, how can you keep all that stuff straight if it's mish-mashed all over the page? Jerks.

People who are ignorant about stuff that seems blatantly obvious, like, to quote some futurama I just heard like two seconds ago, "I'm sure those windmills will keep the turtles cool!" quickly followed by a retort from Morbo, "WINDMILL DO NOT WORK THAT WAY!" I tend to side with Morbo on that one. If you don't actually know what things do, don't make commentary on them that implies that you think you do. If you don't know, ask, there's no shame in asking. If you don't know what it is, chances are other people don't know it either.

Aside: A worse aspect to the ignorance is people who choose to remain ignorant due to prideful/arrogant reasons. Don't think that you know everything, that's impossible.

You know those people who take up take up two or more parking spots? Yeah you do. Those guys. They irk me.

Oh, and along that vein, those guys who think they're SOOOOO cool with their crappy little civics all supe'd up with the ridiculously annoying mufflers. Way to go, you just spent a bunch of money on stuff that you'll think was ridiculous 2-3 years down the road. Dolt.

Umm...that's all I can think of right now, if I come up with more, I'll do a Things that Irk Me redux.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Promises, Promises

I'm not a person who makes promises lightly. If I promise something to a person, I intend to keep that promise regardless of what has happened in the past or what may have just happened two seconds ago. I'm giving my word to someone, and if I'm not as good as my word then who will trust me with anything?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Quick Rundown

This is who I am, pseudo-character sheet style.  All taking place after the break.

And thus it begins...again

So I kinda figured it was time for me to do this whole "real life" blog thing. Yeah, my life's boring. Yeah, a lot of people don't agree with me on that (which they should, 'cause I'm pretty sure I'm the one who knows my life better than most). Yeah, I probably don't have much to talk about. But hey, with school starting up in the fall I'm gonna be significantly busier. Plus I'm attempting to branch out socially. Plus I'm taking my faith and religion more seriously. Hopefully this'll help me keep that on track.

Alright, so here are the basics: My name is Cameron Nordstrom-Young. There are only 6 Nordstrom-Youngs that I know about in the world, all of them are related to me. As such, we are unique...and all of us have been referred to as "New York" at some point or another. Carrie, I expect you to read this sometime shortly after I post it on my other blog. For everyone else, especially those who I know who are on the interwebs, you probably know me as Tox. It's my handle, it's my dwarfish self, it's my in-game nickname from most everything I play nowadays.

I may at some point refer family/friends here, so if you're reading this and catching up on me, Hey, how's it going, nice to see you, blah blah blah. Also: not much to catch up on....maybe. We'll see if I go into any "journal" type things involving a part of me that I don't really ever let out or show to people who I don't know almost as closely as my family, and my family rarely sees that stuff too, so you may find yourselves in the midst of a maelstrom of things that just kinda burst forth out of me onto virtual paper.

Okay, rambling, check! Moving on.

Yeah, personal blog, getting thoughts down and the like. Hopefully aiding myself in a few different facets. (I'm like a diamond, multifaceted. Also, diamond is my birthstone.)