Thursday, December 8, 2016

Offseason Camblings, Part the Second of ???

Here we are, once again wandering down the dusty road of “so much time so little to do” as I hang out at work literally not doing anything* and having the sun reflect off the window DIRECTLY INTO MY EYE YOU JERK, STOP THAT.  Seriously, right straight to the face but I can’t have my back to the store so I’m just suffering through it. Bah, I’ve had worse, I can tough this out. Earl Grey will get me through, make me strong like oxen.
That reminds me… So here’s a fun fact, my default non-english accent has in recent years become Russian, and I have no idea why. It used to be French, ’cause that was really the only one I was decent at, but for whatever reason my Russian accent grew in power… which is phrased weirdly but surprisingly correct, leading to a “new default” situation. So now whenever I feel the need to express myself in a different accent (which happens pretty frequently, again, no idea why) out slips the Russian. I don’t even know if it’s good. I mean, I think it’s solid but that’s a similar quandary to the “do other people really exist?” quandary that people have been struggling with since conscious thought first emerged. I’m no philosopher though, so I don’t really give any of that too much thought. They’re just flashes in the so-called brain-pan, here for a second and then gone the next, just like most of the topics that I ramble about.
Unrelated, I’m gonna have to do a double check on whether or not breaks are showing up properly, I had to do some weird structure editing last time I posted with this app. That being said, I do prefer the formatting on this app over the official Blogger app. It’s a combination of “I can see more of my post” and “options are more readily available” and “I can type up drafts offline to any of my apparently 5 different blogs I’ve got.” Yes, I have 5 different ones. No, I haven’t really done anything on the other ones yet. One’s my defunct WoW blog, the other three are creative side projects that I haven’t even done anything official with yet, it’s all just up in drafts. Creative writing is much more different/challenging than just spewing brainw-ords and thinky-thoughts into paragraphs. You’ve gotta actually consider pacing and flow and explanations and reasons for doing things and types of motivations and how to convey stuff without just punching people in the face with exposition ’cause I don’t care for that nonsense personally.
——–Singular but very particular customer that takes up a lot of our time showed up——— 
What was I saying? Oh, right, creative writing. I’ve got a couple of creative irons in the fire, ready to burn a hole through my keyboard as I type up a storm in a burst of creativity strong enough to set my fingers ablaze. Side note, that sentence would probably translate very poorly into other languages, idioms and whatnot clogging it up so good…
 stares blankly into space
I entirely just lost any sort of train of thought that may have been happening. Dead stop, end of the line. I’ve hit a writing block while writing literally anything that pops into my head. That’s a serious case of “no thought” that just happened. Like, stopping a freight train in time to not hit the baby carriage that got stuck sort of dead stop, it was impressive just how much of a stop it came to. 
Anywho, I should wrap this up now, I’ve gotta do closing stuffs. Yay time-killing exercises!

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