Friday, July 29, 2016

Calm Before the... Additional Calm

Welcome to my Friday Funday blogpost before August. Currently at work, currently nothing to do (everything's put away and/or cleaned and no orders to fill, wooooo), so here I sit typing at my pseudo-laptop. Fortunately my manager's pretty easy going and is very ready for the long weekend. Yay, long weekend, which I'm working most of and by myself. I expect myself to not be very busy. Unrelated, anyone know any decent iPad drawing apps*? I wouldn't mind being able to practice digitally even if it is with my fingers and not a proper tool, I should still be able to work on shapes and anatomy and learning to care less about end results during practice. 

[*Note: I'm currently unaware of anyone who might read this that has an iPad excluding myself, so I expect literally zero actual recommendations, I'll probably just research it myself later]

...I seem to talk about drawrering (yes, drawrering, it's a new thing) quite a bit in these blogs. I guess as a form of self motivation? 'Cause my internal self motivation to actually work on those things is lacking? That seems reasonable. I think I need to just dedicate like a month to working on art and forcing it into a state of habit. Frankly, that could be a really interesting month, but I'm not sure when it could be...Hmm...I'll have to think on this for a while. Just cut myself off from most other things and just focus (housework/cleanliness not withstanding, those seem important...actually I could use the same month to focus on making sure I'm not a total slob as breaks inbetween artsy stuffs). 

So that's something I'll contemplate doing, and I'd need to get some supplies, but that can wait.  A secondary project I've been...all too inactive working on is what I'm shortening to "FGPC," Frustrating Games Played Calmly. I'm not sure if I've discussed it here, but it's my pitch for a style of "Let's Play" (which is basically just playing vidja games and talking while doing it). The concept is simple: Play the most frustrating games (due to challenge/RNG, not bugs/broken programing) that I can find and doing exactly the opposite of what most would do; take things calmly and with probably a long drawn-out sigh instead of enraging... and also doing it in a rather monotone voice, which will take some practice. Frankly, I want to do it 'cause it sounds fun. If it happens that other people like it, great! If not, at least I did, right? Right? Right. Unfortunately I've not been drinking coffee on my days off which tends to result in naps and lack of motivation to do things. I should fix that, though in order to do so I need to "destroy" the coffee with some sort of whitening product and a sweetness enhancer, sometimes they're one and the same. I'm like the opposite of a coffee purist, I don't particularly care how it's made or what type of bean or the fineness of the grind or anything like that, as long as it gives me energy and motivation I'll ingest it, though perhaps begrudgingly. I only really like the flavour of coffee in pastries/cakes/ basically just demolished with sugar and cream. Great, now I want to go to Sweet Caroline's Bakery and get some tasty treats...and also breads and basically anything else they make, it's all great. Maybe next week during my mid-week long weekend. 

Super unrelated, I enjoy how applicable the "Indiscernable Ramblings" name is for this blog. Where did any of this come from? Why am I talking about it? Does any of it really matter? No idea, no reason in particular and just plain no. It's great fun, and very rambly, and a surprisingly accurate view into my thought patterns throughout a regular day, though there are subsantially more "nothing doing" moments in my day to day, but otherwise accurate. Actually, on second thought, I'm not quite sure how accurate it is. Sure, I jump from topic to topic at the drop of a hat all the time, but I think there's substantially more of a push to make my thoughts coherent for the purposes of being able to actually make sense of what might otherwise come out. Seriously, I'm sure if you actually peaked into my thoughts when I'm not specifically finding words to make sense of it you'd just see a jumbled tangle of pictures and undecipherable code/acronyms (especially since I'm very much a visual thinker, hence the drawererings) and maybe some random gestures that I don't even know how they'd be portrayed, but since I talk and think with my hands I'm sure they'd be in there somewhere, somehow.

More unrelated: I've been watching Steven Universe, and it may very well be my favorite cartoon of the modern era of cartoons (as an aside, I figure we're currently in a new golden age of cartoons, but that's a slightly different topic, let's just say the 80s and 90s ruined (most) cartoons for a while). It's may have some relatively simple and predictable plots, but it's not afraid to shed tradition and shatter standard tropes. [Trope: a common or overused theme or device: cliché] It's currently one of the top rated and most viewed cartoons around and for good reason. It does more to give characters depth and nuance in 11 minutes than a lot of hour long shows fail to do, and that's what keeps people interested. The little adventures that go along with it are fun and interesting enough, but it's how the characters are actively developing and growing both on their own and with each other that makes it such a strong show. Plus there's a tonne of background detail and minor things that the internet loves to look out for, but that's more whipped cream on the sundae, sure it's tasty but it was already a great thing that I happily enjoy. The continuity is also fantastic, if something happens or shows up in an episode early on you'll probably see it or connections to it further down the line. Also the foreshadowing, which is not something I'm that keen on detecting, but when going back to old episodes the minor details in set design or dialogue that subtly hint at what was coming are rather amazing. It also just so happens that new episodes are being released every weekday least 3 weeks that we know of so far, possibly more, they're calling it "the summer of Steven" 'cause that's a lot of episodes in a very short amount of time for any show, and also huge plot developments are happening rather quickly. It's a very exciting time in the fanbase, with a new episode to watch every weeknight and all of them have been thoroughly enjoyable while still progressing the overarching plot. I just really really like it, guys. That's all that there really is, there's not much else to say about it. At this point I'm emotionally invested way to deep, but I'm okay with that.

Speaking of "emotionally invested," those things are weird...emotions. When it comes to emotions I am far from an expert, but I'd wager to say that I'm more of a shallow lake than a deep well of emotional waters. There's actually quite a bit of it but it's all pretty consistent in temperature, and even though both cold and hot spots can occasionally be discovered they fade fairly quickly. I'm pretty sure I don't hide my emotions, I will readily get emotional at well told stories, and I genuinely care about other people and their struggles, but for the most part I'm a pretty happy-go-lucky fella, easily content and hard to frustrate. Though with all that said, there could just be a massive wall of emotion-blocking logic hidden in my mind-palace (though it's probably more like a mind-storagelocker, I'm no Sherlock) somewhere but I have yet to find it or attempt to break it down...'cause I haven't found it. Frankly, I think I'd feel a lot less relaxed than I seem to always be if I was hiding something in said mind-storagelocker, I don't really stress out about anything that's not work-related and it is a lovely experience.

Hrmm, I should probably start wrapping this up, it's almost 5:00 and I've been casually working on this on and off since...noonish. Had no one showed up to the store it'd probably be longer, but (sort of) fortunately some people did indeed show up. Huzzah! Sort of! Mmm, I think I need a sub, I'll probably pop on over to the 'way across the way and grab a...actually a pizza sub, turns out I really like those. I should also probably get some actual grocery type foods so that I don't constantly eat fastish foodities. 

Good thing I'm the only one working here for the next two days we're open, 'cause then anything unfinished is my own dern fault, not that there's anything to finish right now, flip it's been slow, and not even any colour matches! I'm good at those, but they take time (which could've been occupying the time I've spent typing today, silly long weekend). Oh, right, I neglected to mention the long weekend happening. I have it on very good authority that it'll be so flippin' slow that I could probably easily get two more long-form blogs in this weekend. Yaaaaaaay... I love it when it's agonizingly slow...

Anywho, I'm out!
