To kick things off, a bit of clarification: we can absolutely discuss the topics that come up, but that'll mostly be after the fact as I'm not currently talking to anyone. That being said, I'm (almost) always willing to talk 'bout stuff and things or whatever.
Disclaimer over; Real talk, go!
I'm a big fan of sharing excitement and experiences. To be a part of someone jumping into a new adventure and watching them see things that I've become disenchanted with fills me with vigor and vicarious excitement. This past week has had a decent amount of that for me. I've recently gotten a friend to join me in a game I've been playing for almost two years now, and he's almost entirely brand new to it. It's great to see how excited he gets for all these things that I know so well, being able to share in his excitement is a wonderful things. Actually, the same thing happened with him and a show I adore (called Steven Universe, it's possibly the best cartoon I've seen, and just a genuinely good show), and he now adores it too so we can get excited about it together, which is splendid. He and I really are two peas in a pod.
Speaking of Steven Universe, I freakin' love that show. It's clever, and charming, gets you invested in the characters, shows the characters growing beautifully at an appropriate pace, heart warming, eventually becomes heart wrenching because you've become so invested in the characters, surprisingly poignant, funny with great one-liners and puns (e.g. Steven, holding a plate of stacked waffles: "It's not exactly healthy, but it's in a stack, so I guess you could call it, a balanced breakfast!"[the delivery of that line in the show is so on point]), takes itself both seriously and not seriously simultaneously, has great musical numbers and tone-setting background music. All in all, it's a marvellously crafted work of entertainment that I have found little to no flaw in since its debut. It's one of the, like, three things I could wax poetic about but will avoid so as to not get anymore crazy. Rest assured, I could go on for pages about it, but I won't.
Now let's talk music. Lately I've been listening to Mother Mother and Modest Mouse almost exclusively. Why? I dunno, but that's what's been happening. Probably because I'm subjected to 70s music at work all the time, so I need something different and more modern during the brief windows of time when I'm walking around and listening to music. I don't tend to listen to music at home, I've often get YouTube videos or Netflix playing whilst on my computer. I like music, I really do, but I like a lot of other things too. I'm also not that explorative when it comes to finding new music (though I have been enjoying some Mystery Skulls a bit recently, which was entirely a YouTube find [apparently my phone autocorrects the "Y" and "T" in YouTube to be capitalized...] ), I'm just a guy who doesn't like change so my music in my phone doesn't change that frequently. Meh, I enjoy it, that's all I can really ask for. If I find or am introduced to new stuff I like I'll probably add it to my phone's repertoire.
Let's see... what else to talk about... um... I think I might be spent for topics for the time being. Well, that's to be expected, work posts are rarely that exciting. Fun fact, all of 1 person has showed up at the store since I started typing this and all he wanted to know was where to dispose of old paint (the answer is Chaser's Bottle Depot, for those in Vernon looking to get rid of old/bad paint.) so that was exciting.
Sign off time. I'll catch y'all on the flip side.