Friday, August 16, 2013

In Which I Prepare For Infotainment.

Huzzah! It's been a long time since I've put anything on here, and that's most likely due lack of inspiration and/or being busy cooking at EBC, one of the three.  But that's "winding down" (it never actually winds down, it just suddenly stops), so I've been planning a new "adventure," so to speak.  After (hopefully) securing a job in the fall, I'm going to build (technically assemble) a computer.

Assuming that most anyone who knows about this blog knows me well enough to know I HAVE a blog, said person would also realize that I'm relatively tech-savvy. Savvy enough to disassemble and reassemble my 24" iMac to replace the video-card without causing any catastrophic issues in the process (Two of my internal fans run CONSTANTLY [I think I broke the temperature sensors], it's mildly annoying but better than having them never run) without any prior knowledge of its interior. That was quite the effort...Macs don't like being taken apart, they're not designed for it at all.

Anywho, I've assembled a component list using, it hasn't found any compatibility issues and it looks like it'll last me for ages.  I'm not gonna go into details of the specs as all of zero people who know about this blog would really understand them, and I only half understand them myself, but I do know that it'll be fast, powerful, and not too shabby on the eyes either, definitely posting pictures of it and the process to build it when I complete it.

Thing is, doing this, assembling the components of a full computer, is gonna give me a lot of learning experience.  Enough to do so for anyone who asks, including the configuring of components to each individual's needs.  Add in that I could potentially be building them for substantially less than pre-assembled computers (due to sales [and knowing where to find said sales] and personal labor), or more powerful computers for the same price as one you might buy, and I might suddenly have a side-business going. Either that or I could utilize said knowledge to gain access to a new field of work that would be a massive change in experience.  Hardware tech support or just plain assembling computers?  I'd be game for doing that as a job (for a while at least).

This is all well and good, but why am I doing it in the first place?  Well, for one, my comp's getting to be just a touch (read: VERY) out-dated, and since it's a Mac I can't exactly upgrade parts individually (anymore that is, I've already upgraded what I could), so building a whole new computer is the way to go.  The other primary purpose is for the sheer enjoyment out of it.  You know how some people love cooking (Dad) or working on cars (Jord) or whatever? I love tinkering with computers.  So much fun, I seriously enjoy it, though mostly the pride at the end when everything is back together and it works beautifully, but assembling the whole shebang is pretty good too.  It's kinda nuts how much I'm looking forward to actually assembling it. Plus the case I want has a window in it so I can see how pretty it is... though I guess that's in the eye of the beholder, but I'll think it's pretty, so that's all good.

This'll be a great experience for myself, and being able to say and prove that I built a computer from scratch may very well end up being worth it.  Let's hope so and be on our merry way.

Cheers folks,