The phrase "First Annual." How can it be considered annual if this is the first one? Isn't the definition of annual essentially that which occurs every year? You can't have a 'first annual.' You can have a first ever, but there is no conceivable way to have a first annual, with the exception of later recalling an event and realizing that it was indeed a first annual thing.....*eyetwitch*
Disorganized Calculations. If you're gonna try and figure something out mathematically, keep it at least somewhat neat. Either go left to right or top to bottom or both. None of this all around the page crap. Who does that? Seriously, how can you keep all that stuff straight if it's mish-mashed all over the page? Jerks.
People who are ignorant about stuff that seems blatantly obvious, like, to quote some futurama I just heard like two seconds ago, "I'm sure those windmills will keep the turtles cool!" quickly followed by a retort from Morbo, "WINDMILL DO NOT WORK THAT WAY!" I tend to side with Morbo on that one. If you don't actually know what things do, don't make commentary on them that implies that you think you do. If you don't know, ask, there's no shame in asking. If you don't know what it is, chances are other people don't know it either.
Aside: A worse aspect to the ignorance is people who choose to remain ignorant due to prideful/arrogant reasons. Don't think that you know everything, that's impossible.
You know those people who take up take up two or more parking spots? Yeah you do. Those guys. They irk me.
Oh, and along that vein, those guys who think they're SOOOOO cool with their crappy little civics all supe'd up with the ridiculously annoying mufflers. Way to go, you just spent a bunch of money on stuff that you'll think was ridiculous 2-3 years down the road. Dolt.
Umm...that's all I can think of right now, if I come up with more, I'll do a Things that Irk Me redux.